Fed Govt To Increase Education Funding

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A group under the auspices of Education Transparency Advocacy Development Initiative, at the weekend urged the Federal Government to commit more efforts in the development of the education sector.

The group also urged the government to increase funding for the sector.

National Coordinator of the group, Yomi David, said this in a statement on Sunday in Abuja to commend the Vice Chancellor, University of Calabar, Prof. Zana Akpagu, on his appointment as a member of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) National Research Fund Screening and Monitoring Committee.

Prof. Akpagu is the only VC selected to represent the entire South- South region in the committee.

However, David said investing more funds in the sector would ensure proper development of manpower for the country.

This, he said, would solve some of the human capital challenges facing the country.

We are urge the Federal Government to devote more funds to the development of our educational system. It is only through proper funding of the sector that we can have adequate human capital development.

The sector has suffered from poor funding in the past. This must not be allowed to continue by the present government led by President Muhammadu Buhari.

We urge the president to ensure that the education sector under his administration continue to receive a lion share of the budget as he has already begun.

David also said he was not surprised by Prof. Akpagu’s appointment into the committee.

According to him, Prof. Akpagu’s giant strides and development of University of Calabar had placed him on this limelight.

We are confident that you will bring your academic and administrative finesse to bear into worthy additional national service, he said.

The group also commended TETFund for the opportunity granted Prof. Akpagu to serve in the committee.


Education, Funding, Media News, Naija News