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Mark Zuckerburg And His Wife Priscilla Chan Living A Simple Life.

A picture of Mark Zuckerburg the Founder of Facebook and the owner of Whats App and his wife Priscilla Chan having MacDonald and trying living simple.
I think this is one of the entrepreneurs that has the same vision of living anyone would like. Money doesn’t change your taste but your bank balance.
Your passion is changing the world through your business and not the world changing you through being rich and spending money on the right causes.
Don’t spend but invest more into your business,companies and causes. You will not claim your destiny and be successful until you make others successful.
Rich people stay rich by living simple but poor people stay poor by living rich. Claim your destiny with humility.
Success is not about appearance. Your passion is changing the world through your success, job and business and not the world changing you when you get rich.
He Dresses Simple
If you notice one thing about this young billionaire it is that he wears the same style of outfit everyday. He wears the same gray t-shirt, jeans, and hoodie. His entire wardrobe probably costs less than $700, and it probably costs less than $200 a year to keep his wardrobe updated. Considering that the average American family spends around $1,700 a year on clothing, Zuckerberg definitely has the right idea on saving money.
Of course, most of us would not wish to wear the same exact outfit day after day. However, we can apply Zuckerberg’s frugality to our own wardrobe by having a set number of quality-made outfits that we can rotate throughout the week. By investing in high quality and classic pieces, we will not need to replace or update our wardrobe often, thus saving us more money in the long run.
You may not agree with Zuckerberg’s business model or fashion sense, but we can all learn important frugality lessons from him. Just because you have a decent paycheck doesn’t mean you should spend it all. Also, before spending money on things that increase our status and outward appearance, we should truly stop and think about our motives behind the spending.
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