Fish Hatchery Business In Nigeria

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Fish hatchery business is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria especially in the riverine areas. It can be done as a small or large  scale business.


Fish hatchery involves the artificial hatchery of fish eggs.


Fish is one of the most consumed proteinous meals in Nigeria and so if you are considering starting up a fish hatchery business in Nigeria then you are actually going for the right business.


However, there are some basic things one needs to know about this business.


Going into fish farming without adequate knowledge about it can actually be frustrating for someone.




There are some things to consider before starting

up a fish hatchery business


Below is a complete guide that will help you succeed if you are considering starting up a fish hatchery business

  • Acquire an expertise training


Before you think of starting up your own fish hatchery business you must have ensured that you are well trained in it.

Fish hatchery/farming business is a very delicate business and requires you to be well vast in the knowledge of it in order to succeed.

After the training, it is advisable you volunteer to work for someone who is into fish hatchery/farming, maybe for a few weeks, so as to equip yourself with more knowledge.

  • Get the capital


Fish hatchery businesses, like other businesses,  require capital to start.

After getting the necessary training, ensure your capital is available for the business.

You will need the capital to get your equipment ready and to register the business.

  • Register your business


You can consider registering your business brand if you intend making it a large scale business. Registering your business will open it to different opportunities such as grants, loans, support for start up business among others.

  • Choose a site


The next step to take when starting up a fish hatchery business after all listed, is to get a site for your business. This is as necessary as all the others listed before.


Choosing the wrong site can mar your fish farm. It is advisable to have your site near a water source such as rivers, lakes, well or borehole. Also the site should be close to a fish farm estate for easy marketing

  • Purchase necessary equipment


Purchase the necessary equipment for the fish hatchery business.


Some of the equipment needed for a fish hatchery business includes; ponds, water channels, fingerling feeds, Dip nets, water pumps, automatic feeder and several others.


This equipment can be purchased in some online markets such as komback and jumia and be delivered within a few days.


Get your broodstock and start production


Brood stock can be gotten from rivers, ponds or any water bodies.To start the production of fingerlings after getting your brood stock requires some few steps


  1. Get your male and female broodstock


  1. Inject the female broodstock with spawning hormones above the lateral line. Some of the hormones include ovaprim, ovatide among several others, then leave the female broodstock  for 8-10 hours in a water


  1. Remove the Milt from the male broodstock


  1. Remove the eggs from the female broodstock


  1. The eggs should be collected in a clean, dry bowel by gently pressing its abdomen.


  1. Mix the Milt with the eggs.

Fertilize the egg by mixing the Milt and the egg evenly. Pour the mix on the spray table in the incubating unit which has a steady flow of water.


  1. Manage the hatchlings by feeding the hatchlings between 2-3 weeks with fry feed and then with feed that is proteinos until it reaches the fingerlings stage

  • Market the fingerlings


This is a very crucial part of this business. The fingerlings should be sold to farmers between 6-8 weeks. Failure to sell the fingerlings within that time range might lead you to incurring an extra cost of having to raise and manage them by yourself.


Also, you will need a good connection with fish farmers for your fish hatchery business. This is because fingerlings are rarely sold in the market. You will need to link up with fish farmers who are in need of the fingerlings. It is best  to have contacted buyers before it reaches the fingerling stage.

By kingkentus


Fish Hatchery Business, Fish Pond