
How To Take Care Of Natural Hair

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How To Take Care Of Natural Hair

Struggling with your natural hairs? Here’s how to create your own hair care regimen. 

Girl! I promise your natural hair is pretty! No matter what you feel about it, here’s why?

At least, seven out of ten women have experienced struggle with their natural hair.

Missing that fluff and shine of your hair? Or starting your hair care journey?

What about the products already present in your bathroom cabinets? Were you using wrong products all along?

What exactly is stripping their hair of nourishment?

Don’t let these tormenting questions stress you out. At a point the whole hair care thing seems burdensome to many. Since approx. 70% of people are unaware of what routines to follow or stick to old school routines which definitely do not give expected results in today’s world.

Your Beginner’s Hair Care routine must be adaptable and open to changes to ever growing needs of your hair.

Diversified and prolonged ways of taking care of your hair provided on the internet can be confusing.


Knowing your hair type can lead to drastic improvement in your hair’s lush and shine. In general it is pretty guessable what one’s hair type is. There are many factors to focus on while figuring out your hair type namely those are hair density, porosity, greasiness, elasticity and curl pattern. Which further divides into straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair and kinky hair.

Just because a certain product works for 90% of the people it doesn’t mean the same would work for you. The key is to know your hair and find its tolerance. Since we are not narrowing it down to a certain hair type here.

Read further blogs regarding detailed breakdown of hair type to know which is yours.

Once you know what your hair type is, you need to find out what nourishment your hair is actually lacking.


For your basic healthy hair routine…you must first understand that it is highly important to sort your priorities according to the issues your hair seemingly has been facing. Supposedly if you are dealing with rough, dry hair problems, then maybe working on moisture loading and protein care can help you bring back your natural hair to life. Factors Such as the temperature outside, humidity, the products you use, hard water etc. affect your hair.

Even though at one time your hair feels thoroughly hydrated and moisturized today it may completely lose this feel and texture the next thus you should be open to adapting and working well in your care routine.

Two components in our hair primarily make up for the lustrous look. Protein and Moisture. Protein or the keratin component. That we often hear people talk about getting a “keratin treatment” is basically them getting their hair protein treated.

Once you know whether your hair lacks moisture, protein or moisture & protein. You can accordingly focus on nourishing your hair in that direction. 


The product base that forms your hair care routine narrows down to your shampoo, conditioner and a leave-in conditioner. Leave-in conditioners are optional. Many hair experts have always said that you do not have a wide range of products for your hair to look good but only a good shampoo and condition.

Shampoo – opt for a moisturizing shampoo, more like a cleanser and use it not more than twice in a week. Good moisturizing shampoos like Tresemme, which do not have harmful chemicals that are used as detergent ingredients like ammonia, sodium laurel sulfate. Using a shampoo devoid of such chemicals will not leave you stripped, tangled, or squeaky clean. Your cleanser must leave your hair tangled and soft.

Clarifying Shampoo – people who have to deal with hard water swimmers, or have hard water facilities in their homes should use clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoo strips the product build up off your hair. And reverses the effects of product build ups and makes your hair healthy.

Moisturizing Deep Conditioning – recommended to deep condition your hair every week at least for 20 minutes preferably using heat too, in a hooded dryer. The condition formulas are so, to provide crème rinsing that is meant for the hair to feel soft. They work quicker and are meant for very healthy, well maintained hair.

Protein Based Treatments – they work best when implemented into a high moisture based hair care routine. Protein based treatments are meant to rebuild your hair strands. The amount of protein required for your hair may vary. You must be careful to not have a protein overload since that will have a tendency to weigh your hair down.

Rest products that you may or may not consider using according to the needs of your hair are leave-in conditioners, water based moisturizers, natural oils, protective styling products etc.


Gentle hair care is important. Below are some dos and don’ts of dealing with your hair. 



Apply shampoo thoroughly

Detoxify your shampoo with a deep conditioner

Shampoo enough to keep your scalp clean and breathing


Forget to shampoo well enough to remove product build up

Use too much shampoo as it will dry out your scalp




Condition after every shampoo wash

Apply conditioner mask at least once a week

Comb through your conditioner soaked hair


Use conditioners with silicones and paraben

Leave conditioner on the scalp.

Skip on time, let your conditioner soak in your hair for at least 2-3 minutes before rinsing.



These aren’t just habits to develop but a must do if you really want to bring back your hair to its life and lush.


Stop flat ironing, reduce blow drying, let your hair just breathe! Heat is damaging to protein bonds of your hair strands and tends to dry up natural hair moisture. It also tends to affect the natural oils of the hair so best, is to be air drying your hair.


Trimming your hair in a span of 3 months is healthy. It gets rid of stubborn split ends and helps keep hair healthy and soft. This also results in quicker growth and adds to volume and natural bounce to your hair. 


Now the concept of combing one’s hair can vary. While some hair types may demand regular combing or dry combing i.e. combing out of shower, a person with curly hair shall only comb his or her hair in the shower when it’s wet and slippery.


Wearing your hair upwards too often or in a ponytail can lead to unnecessary breakage, accumulation of sweat and dirt. Reduce tying your hair when wet. The constant pull of a ponytail may lead to hairline loss on your forehead too.


Healthy food that you consume will not only affect your health in a better way but its good results will also reflect on your hair. Consuming a good amount of protein helps your hair generate its component keratin too.


In conclusion, you have to be patient with your hair. Your hair needs a lot of your time and energy and a lot of love and care from you. An expensive hair care routine does not guarantee the best results.

But you must be prepared inside of you for lots of trial and errors. It can be a long time before you really know what works best for you. Besides if you are on a journey to revive your lost healthy hair. It will take its own time to come back to life, which you must give it.

If these methods do not seem to work quite well for you it is advised to take medical help.


By kingkentus


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